Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Plenty of new art coming to my online gallery pages!

Follow me on artfinder. Click the link at the top of the column on the right.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Metal Cans

My artist friends will identify with this. Last week I bought a can of French Market coffee with chicory. I bought it solely because it comes in an all metal can, and metal coffee cans are very useful in the studio. I have a pile of them and just can't do without them. Almost no coffee comes in these indispensable cans anymore.
The best thing is that when you CAN find them, they're filled with coffee! Turns out the French Market brand is really good, at least to my taste. I'll definitely buy it again.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

New Laptop, New Posts

Hopefully, new posts will be coming along soon. I just got a new laptop, and will be using it to do all my internet work. That's been "a thing" in the past, but the new one should clear that barrier. Theoretically. 😐