Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Fall is in the air

 A bright orange Red Maple on the opposite bank of Little River from where I set up my easel.

Just a bit up-river from the ruins of the old Cherokee Rope Mill in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of North Georgia.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

WOW!! It has been HOT out there.

 I'm putting together a wardrobe of sorts, to wear out painting when it's just screaming hot like it is now. June in Georgia. The heat's not really unexpected is it.

The painting above is called "One Hundred And Two."
That was the temperature when I painted it onsite, en plein aire, near Kennesaw Mountain. That was back in the 90's. So it was even hotter about 25 years ago, but that doesn't make it any more comfortable now, does it.
There's a story behind this painting. I'll tell you sometime.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Time To Get Back "Out There"


I have my grab & go oil painting setup ready, the weather's warming up, and I'm MORE than ready to get out and paint!

This painting was made in my own backyard a bit later in the summer when the Althias bloom. I think they're in the Rose Of Sharon family, but they have great purple blooms all summer. The bees and hummingbirds are very fond of them, too.


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dreaming of The West again

The oil painting above is called "Wotan's Throne."
Don't know who Wotan was, but this is one of the cool formations  in
The Grand Canyon
that is visible from The South Rim.
The formation seems to float in the air at times.
I may repaint it to accentuate that effect.
I found out who Wotan is. It is the German translation for "Odin,"
the chief of the gods in Norse mythology.