Monday, September 28, 2020

Coming Soon

I've been cataloging  the prints I made last year in advance of putting them for sale online. Mostly hand printed linocuts that I made at the Red Onion Printshop.

I printed many of them on this press, which was built in Chicago in 1900. It was restored 2 years ago in Kennesaw at the Red Onion by Clemens Bak.

All of my prints were hand tooled from my original designs. It's a very labor intensive process, but one I enjoy. 
So I will soon be putting the prints up for sale on Etsy. Lots of behind-the-scenes gruntwork before the site is up online. Hopefully it won't take too long. I'll post the progress here. 😊

I've been going back to paintings that I made on site and re-thinking them in the studio. Here is one that I painted recently from another painting I made on a cow farm just south of Lookout Mountain in Tennessee.




Thursday, September 24, 2020

Close Up


Here's a close up from one of my paintings.
Maybe I'll use this close composition for a new painting.😊

Here's the whole painting, 14" x 18"

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Found this today

 I found this study while I was straightening the studio today.
It's a fairly quick, probably about 15 minutes, study in charcoal on newsprint.
Heightened  with a raw titanium chalk.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Walkin' Dog

A little watercolor study for a larger oil painting.
I think I could create a print from this idea as well; a lino-cut.
Anyway, I like his attitude.